February, 2025: Cars and Coffee in Coddingtown, Santa Rosa, CA
Saturday, March 29, 2025: Sebastopol (CA) Horticultural Garden
Saturday, April 12, 2025: Jack London Park, Glen Ellen, CA
Friday, May 16, 2025: Dinner at Don Poncho's Restaurant in Petaluma, CA
Saturday, May 17, 2025: American Graffiti Car Show, Petaluma, CA
Saturday, May 24, 2025: Oakmont Car Show, Santa Rosa, CA
Sunday, June 15, 2025: Father's Day Car Show, Julliard Park, Santa Rosa, C
Saturday, July 26, 2025: Montgomery Woods, Ukiah, CA
Saturday, August 9, 2025: Progressive Dinner to Member's Homes
Saturday, September 13: BBQ at a Member's Home in Santa Rosa, CA
October, 2025: A Tour of St. Jean Winery in Kenwood, CA
November, 2025: Poker Run in Sonoma County, CA
Saturday, December 6, 2025: Annual Christmas Party at Cafe' Bellini, Petaluma, CA
February, 2025: Cars and Coffee in Coddingtown, Santa Rosa, CA
Saturday, March 29, 2025: Sebastopol (CA) Horticultural Garden
Saturday, April 12, 2025: Jack London Park, Glen Ellen, CA
Friday, May 16, 2025: Dinner at Don Poncho's Restaurant in Petaluma, CA
Saturday, May 17, 2025: American Graffiti Car Show, Petaluma, CA
Saturday, May 24, 2025: Oakmont Car Show, Santa Rosa, CA
Sunday, June 15, 2025: Father's Day Car Show, Julliard Park, Santa Rosa, C
Saturday, July 26, 2025: Montgomery Woods, Ukiah, CA
Saturday, August 9, 2025: Progressive Dinner to Member's Homes
Saturday, September 13: BBQ at a Member's Home in Santa Rosa, CA
October, 2025: A Tour of St. Jean Winery in Kenwood, CA
November, 2025: Poker Run in Sonoma County, CA
Saturday, December 6, 2025: Annual Christmas Party at Cafe' Bellini, Petaluma, CA
Saturday, November 16, 2024: Brunch at the Home of a Member
October 20, 2024; Annual Poker Run: Ferrari-Carano and Francis Coppola Wineries in Sonoma County
September 22,2025:Texas Pardners Coastal Cruise to Sonoma County Coast
August 17, 2024: Annual Summer BBQ at the Home of a Member
July 21, 2024: An Afternoon Get-Together at the Home of a Member in Cazadero, CA
June 23, 2024: Back Roads Tour Starting at a Member's Shop, Driving to Cloverdale and Having Lunch at Hamburger Ranch
June 16, 2024: Julliard Park Father's Day Show in Santa Rosa, CA
May 17-18, 2024: American Graffiti in Petaluma, CA with dinner at Don Panchos
April 27, 2024: Dual Event with the Model A Club to the Cheese Factory and Valley Ford, CA
March 9, 2024: Visit to the Geisler Packard Museum in Cotati, CA
December 9, 2023; Annual Christmas Brunch at Franchetti's Restaurant
November 9, 2023: A Tour of the Marin Civic Center followed by lunch in a local restaurant
October 15, 2023: A Visit to an Antique Shop of one of our Members in Fulton, CA, Followed by a Tour of an Antique Car Collection at a Private Residence in Sebastopol, CA, Followed by Lunch at a Local Restaurant.
September 16, 2023: A Tour of the Glen Ellen Botanical Gardens
August 18, 2023: A Visit to the Senior Center at Clearwater Sonoma in Rohnert Park, CA
August 6, 2023: A west Sonoma County cruise to Korbel Winery and Armstrong Woods
July 16, 2023: Barbeque at the home of one of our Members
June 24, 2023: Cruise and Poker Run
May 19, 2023: Graffiti Days in Petaluma, CA and dinner at Don Pancho's
April 29, 2023: Cruise to Cloverdale, CA and lunch at Zini's
February 11, 2023: Lunch at Art's Place in Rohnert Park, CA
December 4 – Christmas Dinner
November 12 – Coastal Cruise/Poker Run
October 8 – Schellville Airport
September 24th, 2022: Breakfast at Cafe Bellini
August 7, 2022: One Stop Progressive Dinner at Members Home
July 16th, 2022: Game Night
June 26, 2022: Buicks attending Lavender Celebration at Bees and Blooms
May 20, 2022: American Graffitti Cruise In and Dinner in Petaluma
April 2022: Planning Meeting at Members Home
January through March 2022 events delayed to due to Covid Recommendations
December 4, 2021 Christmas Celebration Lunch at Cattlemens in Petaluma
November 13, 2021 Progressive Dinner and Poker Run Combination
October 17, 2021 A Fall Tour through Alexander Valley, Dry Creek Valley and Russian River Valley
September 11, 2021 A Buick Club Breakfast
August 21st, 2021 A cruise to Lake Sonoma. Picnic followed at a nearby park.
June 26th, 2021 A cruise through Two Rock Valley, Tomales and Chileno Valley with a stop for lunch.
May 23rd, 2021 Road Tour of West Sonoma County and Lunch at the Washoe House
April 24th, 2021 Popup Picnic at Galvin Park. Hooray, we are vaccinated.
March 28th, 2021: Popup Socially Distanced Event at Wolf Den Plaza
December 5, 2020: Christmas Party CANCELED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
November 7, 2020: Outdoor Socially Distanced Friendsgiving Brunch
October 18, 2020: Sturgeon's Mill CANCELED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
September 19, 2020: Movie Themed Poker Run. Lucky Member got a full house.
August 2nd, 2020: Pop Up Dinner at an Outdoor Drive In, Ozzie's Grill. A Socially Distanced Event
August 15, 2020: Backyard BBQ at members home CANCELED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
July 11, 2020: Mystery Lunch CANCELED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
June 21, 2020: Father's Day "Show and Shine" Car Show, Julliard Park POSTPONED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
May 16, 2020: American Graffiti Car Show and Cruise CANCELED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
April 26, 2020: Cline Cellars CANCELED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
July 11, 2020: Mystery Lunch CANCELED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
June 21, 2020: Father's Day "Show and Shine" Car Show, Julliard Park POSTPONED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
May 16, 2020: American Graffiti Car Show and Cruise CANCELED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
April 26, 2020: Cline Cellars CANCELED DUE TO COVID 19 PANDEMIC
March 7, 2020: Really fun and interesting outing at the Power and Implement Museum in Penngrove.
February 8th, 2020 Group attending a Breakfast in Petaluma and honored the life of a Buick member, Aldon.
January 18th, 2020 Large group gathered to plan our events for the year.
Saturday, December 7, 2019: Annual Christmas Dinner at a local restaurant and Pirate Gift Exchange at the Home of a Member
Sunday, November 3, 2019: Lunch in Point Richmond Followed by a Visit to the Golden State Model Railroad Museum in Richmond, Ca
Sunday, October 5, 2019: Annual Progressive Dinner the Homes of Three Members
Saturday, September 21, 2019: Annual Poker Run in North Sonoma County followed by lunch at Kin restaurant in Windsor, Ca
Sunday, August 18, 2019: Annual BBQ at a Member's home in Sebastopol, CA
Sunday, June 16, 2019: Father's Day Show and Shine, Julliard Park, Santa Rosa, CA
Friday, May 17, 2019: American Graffiti Cruise-In, Petaluma, California
Saturday, April 27, 2019: A docent tour of Jack London State Park, followed by lunch at Su Casa in Santa Rosa, Ca
Saturday, March 16, 2019: A 'Mystery Tour' from Santa Rosa, Ca to Marvin's Restaurant in Cotati, Ca
Sunday, January 17, 2019: An Outing to Epicenter in Santa Rosa, Ca for Bowling
Saturday, December 8, 2018: Annual Christmas Dinner at Cattlemen's in Petaluma, CA, followed by a Gift Exchange at a Member's Home
Sunday, November 18, 2018: Toys for Tots at Shell Vista Fire Station in Sonoma, Calif
Sunday, October 14, 2018: Annual Progressive Dinner at the Homes of three of our Members
Sunday, September 9,2018: Annual Poker Run touring the many sculptures of Sonoma County, Calif.
Sunday, August 19, 2018: Buick Club of the Redwoods Rolling Along 20 years Celebration at the home of a member
Saturday, July 14, 2018: A Road Trip to the Chessecake Factory, Olema Earthquake Museum, and Pt. Reyes Station...Marin County, Calif.
Sunday, June 17, 2018: Annual Julliard Park Father's Day Show and Shine in Santa Rosa, Ca
May 18 & 19, 2018: American Graffiti Car Show in Petaluma, California
Tuesday, April 10, 2018: Dinner with Buick Friends at Coppola Winery in Geyserville. CA
Sunday, March 18, 2018: A road trip to Alameda,Calif. to visit a private replete with a classic Buick, Art Deco working movie theater, and a super replica train set
Saturday, December 9, 2017: Annual Christmas Dinner: Dinner at Cattlemen's Restaurant in Petaluma, Calif and then Pirate Gift Exchange at a Member's home
Sunday, November 19, 2017: Breakfast at the Breakaway Cafe and then Toys for Tots at a car dealership in Sonoma, Calif.
Saturday, November 4, 2017: Annual Poker Run....visiting several Sonoma County locales with lunch at KC's American Kitchen in Windsor, Calif.
Saturday, October 21, 2017: Annual Progressive Dinner at the home of three Club Members in Santa Rosa, Calif
Saturday, September 16, 2017: A Tour of the Sturgeon's Steam Powered Saw Mill in Sebastopol, Calif
Sunday, August 13, 2017: A BBQ and Picnic at the Home of Two of our Members
Saturday, July 15, 2017: Gualala Car Show in Gualala, CA
Sunday, June 18, 2017: Annual Show and Shine Car Show at Julliard Park, Santa Rosa, CA
Saturday, May 20, 2017: 12th Annual American Graffiti Car Show, Petaluma, CA
Friday-Sunday, May 19-21, 2017: A visit to California's north coast: Mendocino, the Grey Whale Inn and Botanical Gardens in Fort Bragg
Saturday, April 22, 2017: A visit to the Korbel Winery and a hike and picnic in Armstrong Woods, Guerneville, Calif.
Sunday, March 12, 2017: A visit to the Blackhawk Automotive Museum in Danville and lunch at the Back Forty in Pleasant Hills
Sunday, February 12, 2017: A Trip to Ukiah: Brunch at Petrona's and a Visit to the Grace Hudson Museum and Sun House
Saturday, January 14, 2017: Annual Planning Brunch at the home of Rich and April Kahnberg
Saturday, December 10, 2016: Annual Christmas Party: Dinner at Willie Bird's in Santa Rosa, followed by a gift exchange at Stan and Gail Sollid's home
Sunday, November 20, 2016: Breakfast at the Breakaway Cafe in Sonoma followed by the Toys for Tots Car Show
November 5, 2016: Progressive Dinner (appetizers, main course, dessert) at the Homes of Three Members
October 2, 2016: Poker Run through Sonoma and Marin Counties with ending with lunch at the Union Hotel in Occidental, Calif
September 10, 2016: A tour of the aircraft carrier USS Hornet in Alameda, California.
August 13, 2016: Brunch at Nick's Cove, Marshall, CA...on the Coast Highway
Saturday, July 23, 2016: Hot Rods and BBQ Car Show, Penngrove, Calif.
Sunday, June 19, 2016: Annual Show and Shine Father's Day Car Show in Julliard Park, Santa Rosa, California
Thursday, June 16, 2016: A trip to San Francsco to visit the Octagon House and the Academy of Art Automobile Museum
Saturday, May 28, 2016: Drive to Perfection Car Show at the Senior Center in Sebastopol, Calif
Friday, May 20, 2016: Friday Evening Cruise In-American Grafitti-Petaluma, Caif.
:Saturday, May 7, 2016: Salvation Army Car Show in Petaluma, Calif.
Saturday, April 23, 2016: A visit to the Pez Museum in Burlingame, Calif. followed by lunch at Joe's in San Rafeal, Calif.
Saturday, March 19, 2016: 'Mystery Brunch' at Zini's in Cloverdale, Calif. followed by a photo shoot at Lake Sonoma
Saturday, January 16, 2016: A Visit to the Sonoma County Museum followed by lunch at Willy Bird's Restaurant
Saturday, December 12, 2015: Annual Christmas Party and Pirate Gift Exchange at the home Rich and April Kahnberg
Saturday, November 7, 2015: Progressive Dinner at the Homes of Three Members:
Saturday, October 10, 2015: Pot Lunch Lunch at a Member's Home in Graton, Calif.
Saturday, September 19, 2015: Early Iron Flashback Car Show, Ukiah, Calif.
Saturday, August 15, 2015: Main Street Reunion Car Show: Napa, Calif
Saturday, July 25, 2015: Hot Rods and BBQ Car Show, Penngrove, Calif.
Sunday, June 15, 2015: Fathers' Day Show 'n Shine, Julliard Park, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Saturday, May 23, 2015: Classic Car Show and Cruise, Sebastopol, Calif.
Saturday, May 15, 2015: American Graffiti Days, Petaluma, Caif.
Saturday, April 25, 2015: Car Show to Benefit the Autoshop Programs at Healdsburg and Analy High Schools; held in Healdsburg, Calif.
Saturday, April 18, 2015: Visit to the Deerfield Ranch Winery in Kenwood, Calif.
Saturday, February 21, 2015: Mystery Lunch Tour to The Union Hotel in Occidental, Calif.
Saturday, January 17, 2015: Mystery Breakfast Tour to Su Casa Mexican Restaurant in Santa Rosa, Calif.
Saturday, December 13, 2014: Annual Christmas Party and Pirate Gift Exchange at a Member's Home.
Saturday, October 25, 2014: Mystery Tour to Old Chicago Pizza in Petaluma, Calif.
Saturday, September 27, 2014: Mystery Lunch Tour to the Jaded Toad restaurant in Windsor, California
Saturday, September 20, 2014: Potluck and Socializing 'On the River' at a Member's House in Guerneville, California

August 30, 2014: Picnic and Cruise to Lake Sonoma
August 9, 2014: 'Mystery Tour' to BlueBird Cafe, Hopland, California
July 26, 2014: Penngrove Car Show, Penngrove, California
June 15, 2014: Father's Day Show and Shine Car Show, Julliard Park, Santa Rosa, California
May 10, 2014: Fred's All American Old Car Show at Stoke's Ranch, Santa Rosa, California
April 25, 2014: Lunch at East West Restaurant in Santa Rosa, California
March 16, 2014: Lunch at Negri's Restaurant in Occidental, California
February 22, 2014: A visit to the Walt Disney Museum in the Presidio in San Francisco, followed by lunch at nearby Barney's Restaurant
January 26, 2014: A Visit to the Pacific Air Museum at the Sonoma County Airport
December 8, 2013: Annual Christmas Party at a Member's home
November 3, 2013: A visit to a private car collection and machine shop; followed by lunch at a member's home.
October 19, 2013: Tour of private car collection in Berkeley as guests of the Greater Bay Area Metropolitan Club
October 12, 2013: Brunch at a member's new home in Sonoma, a trip to the Sonoma Airport with its vintage airplanes, and lunch at The Fremont Diner.
September 8, 2013: Progressive dinner to homes of three members
August 24, 2013: A picnic at Lake Sonoma
July 27, 2013: Penngrove Car Show
July 13, 2013: A BBQ at a member's home in Guerneville on the Russian River
June 16, 2013: Father's Day Car Show at Julliard Park in Santa Rosa
May 11, 2013: All-American Car Show at Fred's Stokes Ranch in Santa Rosa
April 28, 2013: We met with the San Jose Chapter and visited the San Rafael Auto and Collectable Museum, the Marin History Museum, and the Mission San Rafael Arcangel.
April 14, 2013: A visit to Nick's Cove on our beautiful coastline
March 16, 2013: Visited a member's Nash Metropolitan shop in Antioch as well as a nearby body shop; this was followed by a BBQ at a member's home.
February 24, 2013: A visit to the Planetarium at Santa Rosa Junior College followed by lunch and a photo shoot.
January 26, 2013: A visit to the Hamilton Field History Museum in Novato, Calif.
December 9, 2012: Annual Christmas Party at a Member's Home
November 17, 2012: A Visit to the Petaluma Historical Museum
October 20, 2012: Breakfast in Sonoma, a trip to the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield, and then a trip to the Western Railway Museum in Suisin. Rode in a 1904 'Interurban' car that used to carry passnegers on the Petaluma-Santa Rosa-Sebastopol line.
September 30, 2012: We saw beautiful classic cars and a machine shop at a local residence.
August 26, 2012: Cruise-in at 4th and Sea in Petaluma
August 5, 2012: Club car display at Villa Capri at Varenna (senior citizen residence in Santa Rosa) followed by BBQ at one of our member's residence. We were joined by a local Ford Model T Club.
July 28, 2012: Penngrove Hot Rods Car Show and BBQ
June 17, 2012: Father's Day Car Show at Julliard Park in Santa Rosa